Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Water Testing Connection

Our group chose the topic water pollution

For the action project, our group plans on helping solve the problem of pollution in the Grand River. We plan to do this by raising awareness of all the major pollution problems affecting the river. This will help the community know what harmful activities they are doing to the river, and what they could do differently to prevent said activities. Awareness and community involvement is the best solution because "many hands make light a task".

In our biobottle lab, we will be testing on how excess amounts of phosphates in the form of fertilizer or cleaning solutions affect water, plant, and maybe animal life. We will be observing how phosphates react to a water type environment. Things we might be looking for may include ph level, temperature, and even plant health.

The river test we were assigned was to test for phosphate level in the water, and our action project is on water pollution. These two things are connected because too much phosphate in water is considered pollution. Phosphates, in moderate amounts, is healthy for water and improves the quality. When phosphates enter water in an excessive amount, then there is a problem. Excess phosphates increase the amount of algae, which takes oxygen from the water. With little oxygen, any animal life in the water slowly dies off. This process is called Eutrophication, the aging process of water.  Humans are to blame for the excessive amounts of phosphates by fertilizer run off and the dumping of phosphate-rich chemicals into the water. Our action project is to stop the Grand River from going through this process before its time.


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Lightning strikes all over the world, very numerously in fact. Satellite data suggests there are "3 million lightning flashes worldwide per day". It can happen anywhere there is a storm cloud brewing.(4)

Storm clouds are generally cumulonimbus clouds. These are massive, towering clouds often reaching high in the atmosphere. They usually form when a cold front meets a warm front. The air also has to be moist enough for the clouds to form. Inside the clouds there are strong updrafts. This is the start of how lightning is made. (3)

The exact science how lightning is made is a mystery. There a few theories, but perhaps the most popular one involves ice particles. When a cumulonimbus cloud reaches a precipitation capacity, water is carried up the cloud by the updrafts. Here the water collides with ice particles in the upper portions of the cloud. These collisions supposedly create a charge, which the negative portion going towards the bottom of the cloud and the positive towards the top. The difference in charge becomes too great, and thus, lightning is born. (1)

To summarize, for lightning to exist, there must be a cumulonimbus cloud. Inside the water must collide with enough ice particles to make a great enough charge. If a cumulonimbus cloud produces lightning, then it is classified as a "thunderstorm". (3)

On a side note, lightning ALWAYS exists with thunder. (1)

Technology does exist that detects lightning, but it is hard to predict lightning, for it is random. The detected lighting is almost always CG (cloud-to-ground) Lightning detectors have been in place in the US since the 70s. These antennae detectors are hundreds of kilometers apart and detect the radio-frequency pulses that lightning gives off. The location is where the vectors intersect. Since 1994, this system is one combined network run by Global Atmospherics Inc. These instruments provide lightning strike indicators to provide early storm intelligence and give people an early heads up. (4)

It is estimated that $4-5 billion damages occur each year because of lightning. Money spent to safeguard sensitive equipment from lightning damages is also enormous. Between the years 1979-2008, lightning killed an average of 58 people each year. Lightning can travel through a power line to an electrical appliance, and anyone using that appliance. It can also travel through plumbing pipes and water to a person in contact with either of those, examples primarily being shower and bath. One out of 5 lightning strike victims die, and 70% of the lucky survivors suffer serious long-term after effects. (4)

Lightning also affects the environment around us greatly. Forest fires are generally caused by lightning strikes to a dense group of trees. Power outages can be traced back to lightning hitting a power grid. However, not all the affects of lightning are negative. Lightning maintains the Earth's electricial balance. It returns the negative charges back to the Earth. Lightning also produces o-zone, which is necessary for the Earth's protection against the sun's harmful UV rays. (1)

1) "About Lightning..." http://www.nssl.noaa.gov/. 8 Feb. 2010. Web. 28 Oct. 2010

2) Bellante, Anthony. "How Lightning Is Formed." http://www.helium.com/. Web. 28 Oct. 2010

3) "Cumulonimbus Clouds." University of Illinois. http://www.atmos.uiuc.edu/. 7 Aug. 2010. Web. 28 Oct. 2010

4) Henson, Bob. "Lightning:FAQ." http://www.ucar.edu/ 5 Apr. 2000. Web. 28 Oct. 2010



